Are you an expert? : Are you an expert or a passionate of any field of computing? Do you know about mechanical calculators, electronic calculators, home computers, computer chess.... or something else? Would you like to write articles or organise and oversee a specific column? Contact us!
Are you a software specialist?: Would you like to write software description and/or review or write related articles? Contact us!
Are you a retro-gamer?: Are you a gamer? Do you like videogames of every kind and every age? Would you like to draw up a review or write related articles? Contact us!
Are you a geek?: Are you working on a new hardware/software project and need help or just would you like to share it? Did you just complete a nice project and now you would like to show us the results or write a tutorial? Contact us!
Are you a retro-books/magazines reader?: Would you like to preserve magazines, books or old ads? Can you provide scans and/or write a review of a book or a magazine? Contact us!
Are you a good surfer?: Would you like to recommend a resourceful site or signalling your blog or personal site? Contact us!

Hardware-Software-Documents: You can donate every kind of hardware and software and in every condition it is. Also manuals and guides are very appreciated.
Contact us!
See also "Adopt a computer" below.
Money: If you do not have any piece of hardware or software, you can support RC by donating an amount of money to your liking.

Your money will be used to completely refurbish an obsolete and unused computing machine.
You can choose to donate part of the money needed to restore a machine or to select a machine and bear the overall costs for making the machine fully working. Obviously you will know the costs in advance. Furthermore, step by step donations are allowed (you can pay just for a spare part or single repair) and you can suspend the donations in every moment.
In any case your name will be posted on the RC billboard to remember your nobility and the RC community will be eternally grateful to you. In addition you will receive a certificate of honor released by Retrocomputing.it!
Contact us!