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History of people and machines...

70000 BC - 0
35000 BC - 0
1 - 1599
1 - 1599
1600 - 1799
1600 - 1799
1800 - 1899
1800 - 1899
1900 - 1959
1900 - 1959
1960 - today
1959 - today

70000 BC

Blombos Cave, ochre rocks adorned with scratched geometric patterns

35000 BC

Lebombo bone

20000 BC

Ishango bone

3400 BC

The Sumerians invent the first numeral system, and a system of weights and measures.

3100 BC

Egyptians introduce the earliest known decimal system

2800 BC

Indus Civilization develops a system of uniform weights and measures

2400 BC

Egypt, precise astronomical calendar

2000 BC

The earliest written approximations of π

1800 BC

Problem 14 of the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus calculates the volume of a frustum
Berlin Papyrus contains a quadratic equation and its solution

1650 BC

Rhind Mathematical Papyrus

1000 BC

The oldest Chinese mathematical text - Chou Pei Suan Ching - is written - Copyright © MMXX. All rights reserved - Designed by Mr.T